Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Levi's Dinner Party

~~~ Isaiah 58:9B-14 ~~~ Psalm 86 ~~~ Luke 5:27-32 ~~~

Jesus called Levi, the tax collector, to follow.
Jesus was an equal opportunity employer.
Levi was so excited about his new career...
 ...he gave a great banquet for him in his house,
and a large crowd of tax collectors
and others were at table with them.

Levi invited all of his friends who also just happened
 to be in the financial field.
So was this one of the first fund raiser events.
Did Levi see that if Jesus was to spread his message 
some additional funds might be necessary?

Jesus chose to place himself in the company
 of every kind of person imaginable.
He did not concern himself with a person's 
sinfulness social or economic status.
Jesus came for everyone.

Imagine for a minute if Jesus 
had only chosen fine upstanding members 
of the community for his followers.
Would the greatest of sinners given him any notice?

Jesus purposely went out of his way to encounter
 all aspects of the human condition. 
No one repulsed him... no one was rejected by him...

“Those who are healthy do not need a physician, 
but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous 
to repentance but sinners.”

Today we believe in annual 
visits to our physician for our well-being.
Jesus was focused on the well-being of the soul.
We have many ways to maintain the health
 of our soul through the sacraments.

When Jesus walked among us
 he was the preview of all of the sacraments. 
Jesus restores and repairs all things;
those whom he called came to witness this first hand.

We are Blessed today because Jesus
is the Divine Physician
for the body and soul.


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